For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen (God’s Last Words).2828God’s Last Words, Revelation 22:18-21.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
God’s Last Words
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Our Covenant with Each Other and the Lord
I still remember the summer evening my wife and I found Valley with cross silhouetted against the sky and the witness of a parking lot overflowing. And how we joined others that night in mutual affirmation of the covenant of marriage, a covenant we had made only months before. Hopefully, this letter will be an opportunity to affirm again our doctrinal statement1, our statement of faith, our covenant with each other and the Lord, and to honor the Last Will and Testament of those of our brothers and sisters who served and gave and prayed for this church and are now with the Lord. This is our heritage and their reward.Now this church was neutralized, it was useless … petrifying. This church was the kind of church that would say lets all get together in one big happy family. Doctrine divides so let’s not discuss doctrine. Let’s just love each other. And this church is guilty of redefining truth in order to affect a compromise … They sit on the fence. They water down the gospel, then they jazz it up a little bit, then they spoon feed it to a pampered generation. And that’s precisely what this church was involved in doing (The Valley Church, Laodicea, emphasis added).26
A person who is truly regenerate, a person who truly believes in the Lord Jesus Christ will not tamper with the Word of God. If you really trust Christ you won’t tamper with it … there are some people today who come dangerously close. … Going to cut it [Revelation] out of here? Only an unregenerate person could do that. Only a person who has denied the Word of God itself and the fact that it is the Word of God could tamper with this book. These things written here are intended to be understood literally. And God is going to bring them to pass literally. … If Jesus Christ came literally the first time and if Jesus Christ did the things that were literally prophesied the first time, He will do the things that are literally prophesied the second time and all the related events. And you can be absolutely dead certain that the things we have studied … in the book of Revelation, these things will come to past! They are absolutely certain (The Valley Church, God’s Last Words, emphasis added).27
1Paul E. Steele, ON THESE TRUTHS WE STAND: The Doctrinal Statement of THE VALLEY CHURCH, (Published by The Valley Church, Cupertino, California, 1978).
26The Valley Church, Laodicea, 4/28/74, (audio tape).
27The Valley Church, God’s Last Words, 8/22/76, (audio tape).
A Hundred and Forty Four Thousand of Israel
A ministry God has given to Valley Church. … The thing that will bring individuals to Jesus Christ after the church is gone is what we leave behind. … Sure there will be men out trying to destroy them. … Who’s to know where a little pocket size cassette may go? … Can the Anti-Christ and his forces go into every nook and cranny? … Sure, they can recognize a Bible. … Certainly, Satan and all his forces can’t listen to all the tapes … such a great opportunity as the opportunity that we can have to leave behind even if the church is raptured today … We have over twelve hundred tapes setting out in that library … and after the church is raptured, some of you who have been witnessing to people in the community … [They will] probably storm that door to find out what kind of a message it was. … Some of those people may listen to tapes and find Jesus Christ. ... Maybe this one. … We have today one of the most fantastic opportunities to get this message out to all quarters, and then leave it behind when we are raptured so it can be perpetuated through seven years of awful tribulation. … There will be a hundred and forty four thousand of Israel that will be spared. Most of the rest... will die. … We may be able to put tools in the hands of a hundred and forty four thousand of Israel right here (The Valley Church, emphasis added).23
There are some of course who have claimed that we are the one hundred and forty four thousand. … It is very necessary that we recognize this to be literal as we see it here in the book of revelation. One hundred and forty four thousand could not be a representative number for we have the hundred and forty four thousand divided very carefully into twelve thousand from each of twelve tribes of the nation of Israel specifically named by God. And when they were named in the Old Testament, no one doubted that they were literal. But when they are named here in the book of Revelation, a great many people try to say … there must be some spiritual meaning to this rather than taking it in its natural form that which God intended… The Greek is very clear, it should be taken literal (The Valley Church, emphasis added).24
When Gentiles come to Christ, Jews get jealous. … And some of the remnant of the people of Israel were seeing this and seeing the reality in the lives of those people and the result was that they were turning to Jesus Christ and proving that they were a remnant according to God’s choice. And someday the day will come, particularly at the rapture when people are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, the church is gone and the Jews say: you know, that should have been us. One hundred and forty four thousand will be saved in a day and become evangelist during a seven year period of the tribulation… and their immediate result will be that they will be a blessing to the world. But it all came because the Jews rejected and the Gentiles didn’t. So the Jews were a blessing to the Gentiles in giving them the gospel, because when they rejected it, it went to the Gentiles. The blessing of God that was theirs went to another, and having gone to another, now that same blessing is going to come back to the Jews and then together there is going to be a great movement of the Spirit of God (The Valley Church, emphasis added).25
23The Valley Church, The Dispensation of Judgment, 11/10/74, (audio tape).
24The Valley Church, Salvation of a Multitude, 11/24/74, (audio tape).
25The Valley Church, Let’s Make People Jealous of Jesus, 3/8/87, (audio tape).
Rachel Weeping for Her Children
On Eagles’ Wings
IDF Senior Press Officer Maj. Louis Williams documents the true "mission impossible" that was to follow. He describes the small but elite force of twenty-nine Israeli commandos, a gauntlet of “insurmountable” challenges, and flying into the "heart of Africa" and back again with the logistical precision of seconds. And in the excerpt to follow how even the forces of nature opposed the eventual return of Israel’s children “on eagles’ wings.”
Turning westward, the four Hercules headed into the African continent over Ethiopia. The weather was stormy, forcing the pilots to divert northwards close to the Sudanese frontier…. On the approaches to Lake Victoria, they hit storm clouds towering in a solid mass from ground level to 40,000 feet. There was no time to go around and no way to go above-so they ploughed on through. Conditions were so bad that the cockpit windows were blue with the flashes of static electricity.The only assault force causality was the young commander of the Hercules squadron Lt. Colonel Jonathan Netanyahu. As his second in command exited the lead Hercules, Rabin and Peres inquired: “How was Yoni killed?” The succinct response: “He went first, he fell first.”
“a female El Al ticket agent…”
Victoria Hen’s family had planned a surprise party for the following day when her boyfriend, Yaron Cohen, was to propose. That day was replaced with dreary funeral preparations that had to be completed before sunset (the beginning of the Shabbat). Although Yaron, a Cohen (descendant of Aaron), was not allowed by Scripture (Leviticus 21:1) to even be at her graveside, he confided to a friend: "Vicky was my whole life. I expect that at any moment she will walk through the door with her beautiful laugh and smile."
Rachel’s Eyes
My Brethren, Literally the Jews
When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Thenshall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these MY BRETHREN [LITERALLY THE JEWS] ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal (Matthew 25:31:46, emphasis added).
21 The Valley Church, Invasion From Space, 5/16/76, (audio tape).The twenty-fifth chapter of Mathew talks about the fact that there will be separated at this time the sheep from the goats and a lot of people misunderstand this. The sheep and the goats speak of those nations, particularly individual people. The sheep are those that have followed the Lord Jesus Christ and evidenced that fact by being kind to the nation of Israel during those tribulation days. And the goats are those that have refused and rebelled against God (The Valley Church, emphasis added).21
The Valley of Jehoshaphat
For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again [turn back (shûb; שׁוּב)] the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead [execute judgment (shâphaṭ; שָׁפַט)]with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. … they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink (Joel 3:1-3, emphasis added).At the French resort of Evian on the shores of Lake Geneva in the summer of 1938, President Roosevelt initiated a nine-day international conference, supposedly to facilitate Jewish immigration from Germany and Austria.
Very important people were here and all the delegates had a nice time. They took pleasure cruises on the lake. They gambled at night at the casino. They took mineral baths and massages…some of them took the excursions to Chamonix to go summer skiing. Some went riding, some played golf. Meetings. Yes, some attended the meetings. But, of course it is difficult to sit indoors hearing speeches when all the pleasures that Evian offers are waiting right outside (Rene Richier as quoted in Peggy Mann, When the World Passed by on the Other Side, Manchester Guardian Weekly, 7 May 1938).Here are the recollections of an uninvited delegate, Golda Meir, former Prime Minister of Israel:
… sitting there in that magnificent hall and listening to the delegates of thirty-two countries rise, each in turn, to explain how much they would have liked to take in substantial numbers of refugees and how unfortunate it was that they were not able to do so, was a terrible experience, I don't think that anyone who didn't live through it can understand what I felt at Evian – a mixture of sorrow, rage, frustration and horror (As quoted in, The Evian Conference - Hitler's Green Light for Genocide, Annette Shaw, 2001, Quoted by permission of Stephen D. Smith, Director, Beth Shalom, (Letter 15/3/2000), Perspective, Vol. 1, Issue 1, July 1998, "Nobody Wants Them,” p. 21)."At the end of the nine-day conference, Hitler had his Green Light" (Annette Shaw, The Evian Conference - Hitler's Green Light for Genocide, 2001):
'Nobody wants them' claimed the German newspaper Völkischer Beobachter after the Evian Conference in July 1938 and Hitler gloated, saying, 'It is a shameful spectacle to see how the whole democratic world is oozing sympathy for the poor tormented Jewish people, but remains hard hearted and obdurate when it comes to helping them.’ (Perspective, Beth Shalom, p. 21).
Friday, February 23, 2007
"Mashiach is Near"
Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits writes: "God's chosen people is the suffering servant of God. The majestic fifty-third chapter of Isaiah is the description of Israel's martyrology through the centuries" (Prager & Telushkin, 1975, p. 89, emphasis added).
Rabbi Morris Kertzer writes: "Today, only the extreme orthodox still cling to the literal belief in the coming of a Messiah. … Most Jews, however, have reinterpreted the age-old belief in a Messiah, not as an individual Redeemer, but as mankind collectively, who by their own acts can usher in a Kingdom of Heaven" (Morris N. Kertzer, What is a Jew, 1953, p. 39, emphasis added).
Shneeraleh, Peraleh
Strings of pearls, and banners made of gold
Mashiach Ben David is coming we are told
Holding a goblet in his right hand
Making a blessing, blessing all the land
After Birkenau and Treblinka and Ravensbrueck and Camp David and Oslo and a never ending “Road Map” to "peace," Israel has conceded. She has joined the world in spiritualizing His Word; yet it matters not, their Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, will keep His Covenant:Amen and Amen, this is true,
Mashiach is coming, through me and through you
Amen and Amen, this is clear,
Mashiach is coming, Mashiach is near.
(tr., Shirona, emphasis added)
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn (Zechariah 12:9-10, emphasis added).
The Land of Israel
O land where the Shekinah shone,
Whose hills by One Were trod,
Writ in the volume of the Book—
The promised One of God:
Rich blessings will from thee proceed
To earth’s remotest bound
Wen thy lost sons, at home again,
Immanuel have found.
(Max I. Reich, Sweet Singer of Israel, Moody Press: Chicago, 1948, pp. 152,159).
A Zvika Force of One
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On Yom Kippur, Israel’s most holy Shabbat (1973), the forces of 13 Arab nations, and Cuban and Palestinian troops converged on Israel to destroy her.
On that fateful Day of Atonement, the Israelis were outnumbered and outgunned by staggering margins. In Sinai, for example, exactly 450 Israeli troops faced an invading force of 100,000 Egyptians, who enjoyed a superiority in artillery of 40-1 and a force of 1,350 tanks against Israel’s 91. On the Golan, the Syrians had eight tanks for every Israeli tank, and even higher ratios of troops, guns and planes; later the Syrians would be bolstered by contingents of Iraqis, Jordanians, Palestinians, Saudi Arabians, Kuwaitis and Moroccans. In addition, the Arabs were equipped with the latest in Soviet rocketry, against which Israel had virtually no defense (Matt Nesvisky, The Lessons We Learned in 1973, The Jewish Journal, 2004-09-24).Of those young men who stood between Israel and death, Golda Meir later recalls, ‘They fought and fell like lions’ (Peter Colon, The Yom Kippur War, Israel My Glory Oct/Nov 1997 p.15, emphasis added).
After the first day, the enemy in the Golan with tactical, logistical, and numerical superiority, the element of surprise, and Soviet supplied night-vision virtually destroyed Israeli resistance and was headed toward a strategic crossroads and Israel’s divisional headquarters. During the night, Lieutenant Zvika Greengold, a young blond son of Holocaust survivors, unattached to any unit, hitchhiked to the conflagration. Removing the dead from a Centurion tank, he took command.
For the next 20 hours, Zvika Force [koach Tzvika], as he came to be known on the radio net, fought running battles with Syrian tanks—sometimes alone, sometimes as part of a larger unit, changing tanks half a dozen times as they were knocked out. He was wounded and burned but stayed in action and repeatedly showed up at critical moments from an unexpected direction to change the course of a skirmish (Abraham Rabinovich, Shattered Heights, The Jerusalem Post, September 25, 1998).His and a few remaining Israeli tanks succeeded in stalling the enemy who apparently thought they were confronting a superior force. Concurrently Prime Minister Golda Meir, conceding the Golan, began implementing the Samson Option (Judges 16:30):
During the 1973 Yom Kippur war, Israel came close to making a nuclear preemptive strike when it seemed to be facing defeat at the hands of Syrian armor, according to a half dozen former U.S. diplomats and intelligence officials familiar with the still-classified incident…. According to a former senior U.S. diplomat, by Oct. 8, Israel's northern front commander, Maj. Gen. Yitzak Hoffi, had informed Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan that he couldn't hold out much longer against the 14,000 Syrian tanks rolling through Israeli defenses on the Golan Heights. The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that Dayan was ‘attacked by acute panic’ and declared to advisers: ‘This is the end of the Third Temple.’ But if Israel was to perish, it would take Damascus and Cairo with it. According to a former senior CIA official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, Dayan sought an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Golda Meir and secured her authorization to arm 13 intermediate-range Jericho missiles with nuclear warheads. Eight F-4 Phantom fighter aircraft were also to be given nuclear arms, former senior U.S. officials said (Richard Sale (UPI Terrorism Correspondent), Yom Kippur: Israel's 1973 nuclear alert, United Press International, 9/16/2002, emphasis added).Unlike the Army of One recruiting ploy, the day is coming when every Jew of Israel will literally be a Zvika Force of One:
In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem. The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first,that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah. In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them (Zechariah 12:6-8, emphasis added).1"Destroyed Centurion in Sinai" by Military Battles on the Egyptian Front by Gammal Hammad. Published by Dār al-Shurūq, Egypt.. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons
The Covenants of Israel
The... fingerprints [of God] are this … the covenants of Israel… a reference to the unconditional covenants that constituted them as a nation. Make no mistake about it; there are four covenants that stand out as unique. They are unconditional and they are everlasting. The first is a seed called the Abrahamic Covenant. The second is a land called the Palestinian Covenant. The third is a throne called the Davidic Covenant. And the Forth is the New Covenant which is a restoration of the people of Israel and the final Kingdom. God gave to them these four unconditional covenants. They were unconditional; there was nothing that Israel had to do in order to have those covenants. They were theirs lock, stock, and barrel, and they are eternal. They will never change. Every one of them is everlasting: an everlasting seed, an everlasting land, an everlasting throne, an everlasting kingdom. … God yet has a future for Israel. … But understand this, these people had in the Old Testament the covenant that their seed would remain forever, the covenant that their land would always be theirs, the covenant that they would always have a throne and they would always have a kingdom. Ultimately God will fulfill all of that (The Valley Church, emphasis added).2020The Valley Church, The Fingerprints of God, 2/23/86, (audio tape).
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Nation Born in One Day?
Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children (Isaiah 66:8).
On Sabbath Eve, the 5th Day of Iyar 5708 (14 May 1948) David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the State of Israel and appealed “to the Jewish people throughout the Diaspora to rally round the Jews of Eretz-Israel … in the great struggle for the realization of the age-old dream — the redemption of Israel.” President Truman, an outsider unexpectedly elevated to the Oval Office a few years earlier, was immediately notified. Quickly hand correcting a two sentence response without notifying officials of contrary opinion in the State Department or a Special Session of the UN General Assembly, the United States, in the person of Harry S. Truman, was the first to recognize “the provisional government as de facto authority of the new state of Israel.” In the eleven minutes it took Truman to respond, the two thousand year justification for SPIRITUALIZING Israel's covenants, promises, and blessings vaporized! The children of Israel were in the land.
The first person of course is the radiant woman which was none other than the nation of Israel. And fighting against the woman was the great dragon and this dragon is none other the person of Satan in his great diabolical work in trying to destroy the nation of Israel because by that he could make God a liar... Of course he ultimately fails because God will yet proclaim His purpose for Israel. He will yet reveal that purpose. It will yet be unfolded in time to come and the very fact that Israel is a nation today is indicative of the fact that God is going to keep His Word as if there was any doubt (The Valley Church, emphasis added).19There was dancing in the streets, and then the realization that Israel’s rebirth would be through the fire. Arab forces of Lebanon, Syria, Iraqi, Egypt, Tran Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Yemen converged within hours to annihilate the fledgling nation, which in the estimation of British Field Marshall Montgomery would occur within two weeks due to the imbalance in training and ordnance: “1 tank w/o gun (Arabs 40 tanks), 0 war planes (Arabs 74), 5 artillery pieces (Arabs 140), 3 armed ships (Arabs 12)” (Yosef Ofek, Not on a Silver Platter: From National Home to Sovereign State, 1939-1949, 1984). Israel did have access to a few Piper Cubs, from which Jews tossed empty seltzer bottles modified to mimic the sound of falling bombs. They also had a few other small planes where the bombardier, legs strapped to the door, would chuck improvised bombs (some with sewer pipe casings) between his legs football style. Like David in the valley of Elah they had little more than sticks and stones, but they were fulfilling His purpose “that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel” (cf. 1 Samuel 17).
19The Valley Church, Chapter 13, 9/14/75, (audio tape).
A Preeminent and Venerable Delusion
Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more (Jeremiah 31:31-34, emphasis added).
And this is confirmed virtually verbatim after He poured out the New Covenant in His blood:
Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more (Hebrews 8:8-12, emphasis added).
Thankfully when some of the natural branches were broken off there was provision, a cautionary provision, for Gentiles to be grafted in:
And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree? For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins (Romans 11:17-27, emphasis added).
The Jewishness of Our Faith
James wrote “to the twelve tribes” (James 1:1), Peter to the Diaspora (cf. 1 Peter 1:1), and Hebrews, contrary to popular opinion, was written to the Hebrews!
But most significantly, the Goyim have forgotten that “Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross” (John 19:19 ), “ in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS” (Luke 23:38).
The Promises of Israel
18The Valley Church, The Fingerprints of God, 3/2/86, (audio tape).
The Unpardonable Journalistic Sin
The Open Letter states: “The entitlement of any one ethnic or religious group to territory in the Middle East called the ‘Holy Land’ cannot be supported by Scripture.” However, the “Source” indicates otherwise:
He said unto him [Abram], I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it. … to thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates (Genesis 15:18).
The LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God. … And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God (Genesis 17:1-8).
… I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee [Jacob] will I give it, and to thy seed (Genesis 28:13).
For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will bring again [turn back] the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it (Jeremiah 30:3).
Behold, I will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place,and I will cause them to dwell safely: And they shall be my people, and I will be their God… And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put my fear in their hearts, that theyshall not depart from me. Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul (Jeremiah 32:37-41).
… Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will even gather you from the people, and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel (Ezekiel 11:17).
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel. … And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children’s children for ever (Ezekiel 37:21-25).
Saith the LORD … I will bring again [turn back] the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God (Amos 9:13-15).
Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the LORD. … And the LORD shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy land, and shall choose Jerusalem again. Be silent, O all flesh, before the LORD: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation (Zechariah 2:10-13).
… and thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. … Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise. The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the LORD shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified (Isaiah 60:16-21).
The Open Letter states: “The worship of God is no longer identified with any specific earthly sanctuary.” But the “Source” has announced a future earthly sanctuary over twenty times (Ezekiel chapters 41 through 49). And He is very specific about this tabernacle and where it will reside: the name of the city from that day shall be, The LORD is there.
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel … and bring them into their own land … I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore (Ezekiel 37:21-28).
The Open Letter states: “… all who bless him [Jesus] and his people will be blessed of God, and all who curse him and his people will be cursed of God. These promises do not apply to any particular ethnic group, but to the church of Jesus Christ, the true Israel.” But the “Source” is very specific regarding these promises and the particular persons or ethnic group to which they apply:
Now the LORD had said unto Abram … I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee (Genesis 12:1-3).
And his father Isaac said unto him [Jacob], Come near now, and kiss me, my son. … Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother’s sons bow down to thee: cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee. (Genesis 27:26-29).
How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and thy tabernacles, O Israel. … Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee (Numbers 24:5-9).
And the authors of the Open Letter are detached from reality in attributing Israeli culpability for “the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” If Israel’s enemies would lay down their arms, there would be peace, but if Israel would lay down her arms, there would be NO Israel:
On Sabbath morning, April 27, 2002, a terrorist infiltrated the community of Adora and broke into the Shefi family home. He burst into the children’s room where he found the mother, Shiri, trying to protect her three small children – Danielle, 5; Eliad, 4; and Oriel, 2. The terrorist certainly saw the fear in their eyes. He shot them all. Daneille was killed on the spot; her mother and two brothers were wounded (Target: Israeli Children, [Israeli] Ministry of Education).
JERUSALEM, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Israeli Hani Avrahami phoned her husband to check that he was safe as he travelled through the West Bank on the way to the army base in which he served as a reserve soldier. But instead his killer answered the call. 'We are now slaughtering your husband,' said the voice that answered Yossi Avrahami's mobile telephone…. Vadim Novesche had been married only a week to his wife Irina when he was killed by the mob. She too, was trying to reach him by phone in the last moments of his life. ``I said 'Vadim?' and they hung up the phone,'' she said.
After using the unpardonable journalistic sin of misquoting God to strip Israel of every covenant, promise, and blessing, the signatories of the Open Letter, with verbiage consistent with the UN, EU, WCC, Oslo Accord, and Road Map to Peace (sic), cast their lot with the world. And as a consequence, they recklessly impugn Israel and those who love her with complicity in a “vicious cycle of atrocity and displacement,” “violent seizure and occupation,” and “a divine mandate to conquer and hold.” Sadly, the Open Letter blesses those who curse Israel and curses those who bless Israel.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The “Yellow” Star of David
So you have the picture that we have today forming, and has formed, and will continue to form of the World Council of Churches and all of its cohorts, because they have merged themselves together in an unholy union made sort of a spiritual smorgasbord so you can kind of pick and choose your own doctrine. Whatever you want to believe is fine but it all comes out in the wash as long as you are a member of our organization. … In order for a person to hold fast to the doctrine and the truth of the Word of God today it is many times necessary for him to leave the apostate system. … ‘I will put on you no other burden.’ Look if you have apostates running your church, you have enough problems. If this has become the dominate factor in your church, you have big problems. … ‘hold on to what you have’ (The Valley Church, emphasis added).13
“On July 2, 2004, the 216th General Assembly of the [Reformed] Presbyterian Church (USA) approved several measures … including a call … to begin gathering data to support a selective divestment of holdings [approximately $8 billion] in multinational corporations doing business in Israel” (Alexa Smith, GA04121: Assembly Endorses Israel Divestment, July 2, 2004, emphasis added).
On April 1, 1933, Germany’s newly elected chancellor initiated what was to be a 1000 year millennium of the Third Reich with a nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses. The Star of David was scrawled in yellow and black across doors and windows: “our studio, like the other Jewish businesses in Karlsruhe, was plastered with signs during the anti-Jewish boycott: ‘Don't buy from Jews’” (Johanna Hirsch, child Holocaust survivor, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C.).
13The Valley Church, Thyatira, 3/24/74, (audio tape).
No Greater Anti-Semitism
Preterists of every variant are attempting to distance themselves from Noyes. But they have a problem; they share a common hermeneutic: “70 AD.” Convinced that The Kingdom of God has come, they spiritualize or ignore Scripture as required to support that presupposition. And like Noyes, all who replace His Word with the apocrypha of “70 AD” will, without exception, suffer loss. As wisdom is justified by her children, so too Preterism:
In the nineteenth century there were innumerable attempts to set up ideal societies, often based on heretical versions of Christianity. So John Humphrey Noyes, the founder of the Oneida community, convinced himself from his devoted reading of scripture that the teachings of the Old Testament had been abrogated since the year A.D. 70 (The Dictionary of the History of Ideas, University of Virginia Library).
…Noyes was licensed to preach in August, 1833. At about the same time, he made a sensational discovery: Jesus Christ had announced that He would return during the lifetime of some of His disciples. Jesus could not have been mistaken; therefore the Second Coming of Christ had taken place in A.D. 70. The "Jewish cycle" of religious history then ended and a “Gentile cycle” began. … We live no longer in an age of prophecy and promise, but in an age of fulfillment. Perfect holiness is attainable in this life, as well as guaranteed deliverance from sin (The Great Oneida Love-in, American Heritage Magazine, February 1969 Volume 20, Issue 2).
At the destruction of Jerusalem, the Jews as a nation were judged. Then the kingdom of heaven passed from the Jews to the Gentiles. Matt., 21: 43 (Hand-Book of the Oneida Community, Wallingford, Conn: Office of the Circular, Wallingford Community, 1867, emphasis added).
Communism, as held at Oneida, cannot for a moment be dissevered from its theology. … the doctrine of, Complete Regeneration, or Salvation from Sin, and the truth that the Second Coming of Christ, and the founding of his heavenly kingdom, took place 1800 years ago (Hand-Book of the Oneida Community, Wallingford, Conn: Office of the Circular, Wallingford Community, 1867, emphasis added).
Noyes' teachings were practiced here by the community. The main teaching which received the most criticism was that of "Complex Marriage." In Complex Marriage, every man was married to every woman and vice versa. … no two people could have exclusive attachment with each other because it would be selfish and idolatrous (Randall Hillebrand, “The Oneida Community,” New York History Net, emphasis added).
The rumors of strange sex practices roused the righteous and … churches demanded action against “the ethics of the barnyard,” and sought enabling legislation from the state (The Great Oneida Love-in, American Heritage Magazine, February 1969 Volume 20, Issue2, emphasis added)
Within the commune, there was a debate about when children should be initiated into sexual rituals, and by whom. Noyes (who was very old at the time) thought he should be the person to initiate sexual intercourse with girls as young as fourteen (Wikipedia, Oneida Society, 4/1/2005, emphasis added).It is distasteful to write of such things, even as it was for Paul to write of a similar circumstance in a letter to the Corinthians: “It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife.” And this Paul wrote in the Spirit! But one thing is even more distasteful: the wind of doctrine that regards the One who spoke light and every other created thing into existence and continues to uphold them by the power of His Word as incapable of expressing Himself in literal words! The Bible contains thousands of promises and blessings, the majority regarding Jews as a people and a nation.
God made His covenant with the nation of Israel and He made promises to them that are absolutely, totally, and entirely unconditional. … it was the most binding of all covenants. … when it came time to walk between the pieces of the slain sacrifice, God put Abraham to sleep! When He did that, He voided any part of the people of Israel in the covenant. They had nothing to do with it, absolutely nothing. God said I will make my covenant with my people alone and He swore by Himself rather than anyone greater because there was no greater and he made a covenant with the nation of Israel that is absolutely unconditional. There is only one way that covenant could be broken and that is if God were dethroned or God was dead. Obviously He never will be (The Valley Church, emphasis added).14
14The Valley Church, Conflict of the Ages, 5/11//75, (audio tape).
Medieval Alchemy and Israel
The majority of churches in America are essentially preterist in teaching and doctrine, yet the majority of people in those churches have never heard the word Preterism. Those who hold a plenary view of Scripture are generally unaware of preterist animosity. They are unfamiliar with preterist books with titles like Misplaced Hope, End Times Fiction, Last Days Madness, Eschatological Evil, and ‘Left Behind’ Delusion. Preterist internet content, regarding those who affirm the verbal inspiration of Scripture, includes phrases like “dispensational dementia” and “prophetic paranoia.” Those of us who anticipate being caught up together to meet the Lord in the air are increasingly referred to as the rapture cult. The premillennial believer’s “reward,” pictured on one preterist internet site, is an outhouse equipped with a roll of toilet paper blowing in the wind.
The Word of God is being denied and decried today. There are all kinds of gimmicks that people use to water down the truth of the message of the Word of God. We are to keep it … we must believe it, we must obey it. We must be those who are willing to die for it if need be. We preach the Bible. Believe it and obey, not apologize and criticize and explain it away (The Valley Church, emphasis added).1717The Valley Church, Philadelphia, 4/21/74, (audio tape).
The Aryan Israel of God
The Little Flock of Israelites
The true love of God and wisdom of the Father strengthen you in virtue, my dearest child; the Lord of heaven and earth, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the Lord in Israel, keep you in His virtue, and strengthen and confirm your understanding in His truth. My dear little child, I commend you to the Almighty, great and terrible God, who only is wise, that He will keep you, and let you grow up in His fear, or that He will take you home in your youth, this is my heart's request of the Lord: you who are yet so young, and whom I must leave here in this wicked, evil, perverse world. …
Hence, my dear lamb, I who am imprisoned and bound here for the Lord's sake, can help you in no other way; I had to leave your father for the Lord's sake, and could keep him only a short time. We were permitted to live together only half a year, after which we were apprehended, because we sought the salvation of our souls. They took him from me, not knowing my condition, and I had to remain in imprisonment, and see him go before me; and it was a great grief to him that I had to remain here in prison. And now that I have abide the time, and borne you under my heart with great sorrow for nine months, and given birth to you here in prison, in great pain, they have taken you from me. Here I lie, expecting death every morning, and shall now soon follow your dear father. …
I must now also forsake all this for the Lord's sake, which the world is not worthy to suffer; for if we had continued in the world, we would have had no trouble. For when we were one with the world and practiced idolatry, and loved all manner of unrighteousness, we could live at peace with the world; but when we desired to fear God, and to shun such improper ways, well knowing that this could not please God, wherefore we sought to shun all this, and turned from idolatry to the worship of the living God, and sought here in quietness and gentleness to practice our ~3ith, then they did not leave us in peace; then our blood was sought; then we had to be a prey to everyone, and become a spectacle to all the world. They seek here to murder and to burn us; we are placed at posts and stakes, and our flesh is given as food to the worms. …
As I am soon now to offer up my sacrifice, by the help of the Lord, I leave you this, That you fulfill my request, always uniting with them that fear God; and do not regard the pomp and boasting of the world, nor the great multitude, whose way leads to the abyss of hell, but look at the little flock of Israelites, who have no freedom anywhere, and must always flee from one land to the other, as Abraham did; that you may hereafter obtain your fatherland. …
I leave you here; Oh, that it had pleased the Lord, that I might have brought you up; I should so gladly have done my best with respect to it; but it seems that it is not the Lord's will. And though it had not come thus, and I had remained with you for a time, the Lord could still take me from you, and then, too, you should have to be without me, even as it has now gone with your father and myself, that we could live together but so short a time, when we were so well joined since the Lord had so well mated us, that we would not have forsaken each other for the whole world, and yet we had to leave each other for the Lord's sake. So I must also leave you here, my dearest lamb. …
Hence, my dear lamb, cease not, because of the cross, to fear God, for a Christian is not made meet except by much tribulation and persecution upon this world, and we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God; … For His kingdom was not of this world; had His kingdom been of this, world, the world would have loved Him; but because His kingdom was not of this, world; therefore the world hated Him.' So it also is now, since our kingdom is not of this world, the world will hate us.’ …
O my dearest lamb, that you might know the truth when you have attained your understanding, and that you might follow your dear father and mother, who went before you; for your dear father demonstrated with his blood that it is the genuine truth, and I also hope to attest the same with my blood, though flesh and blood must remain on the posts and on the stake, well knowing that we shall meet hereafter. Do you also follow us my dear lamb, that you too may come where we shall be, and that we may find one another there, where the Lord shall say, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning." …
And now, Janneken, my dear lamb, who are yet very little and young, I leave you this letter, together with a gold real, which I had with me in prison, and this I leave you for a perpetual adieu, and for a testament; that you may remember me by it, as also by this letter. Read it, when you have understanding, and keep it as long as you live in remembrance of me and of your father, if peradventure you might be edified by it. And I herewith bid you adieu, my dear Janneken Munstdorp, and kiss you heartily, my dear lamb, with a perpetual kiss of peace. Follow me and your father, and be not ashamed to confess us before the world, for we were not ashamed to confess our faith before the world, and this adulterous generation; hence I pray you, that you be not ashamed to confess our faith, since it is the true evangelical faith, an other than which shall never be found.
Let it be your glory that we did not die for any evil doing, and strive to do likewise, though they should also seek to kill you. And on no account cease to love God above all, for no one can prevent you from fearing God. If you follow that which is good, and seek peace, and ensue it, you shall receive the crown of eternal life; this crown I wish you and the crucified, bleeding, naked, despised, rejected and slain Jesus Christ for your bridegroom.
This I wish you for a perpetual testament, and for a perpetual adieu and farewell my dearest lamb.
Remember thereby your dear father, and me, your dear mother, who have written this with my own hand, for your edification; and always keep this gold real with you, with this letter, for a perpetual testament: I herewith bid you adieu and farewell; I hope to seal this letter with my blood at the stake. I herewith commend you to the Lord, and to the comforting Word of His grace, and bid you adieu once more. I hope to wait for you; follow me, my dearest child.
Once more, adieu, my dearest upon earth; adieu, and nothing more; adieu, follow me; adieu and farewell.
Written on the 10th of August, A. D. 1573, at Antwerp.
This is the testament which I wrote in prison for my daughter Janneken, whom I bore and gave birth to here in my bonds.
By me your dearest mother, imprisoned for the Lord's sake.
(Martyrs Mirror (, T. J. van Braght, 1660, p. 984-988, emphasis added).
Like Hananiah, Mishael, and Azaria
They are far readier then followers of Luther and Zwingli to meet death, and bear the harshest tortures for their faith. For they run to suffer punishments, no matter how horrible as if to a banquet; so that if you take that as a test either of the truth of doctrine or of their certitude of grace, you would easily conclude that in no other sect is to be found a faith so true or grace so certain (Stanislaus Hosius (Polish cardinal and bishop of Warmis), Opera (Venice), 1573, p. 202).
“The City of Zion”
Johann Matthiesen, a baker who inherited an Anabaptist following from his imprisoned predecessor, suddenly spiritualized that he was a latter day “Enoch,” the walled German city of Münster the “New Jerusalem,” and his followers the “Israel of God.” He instituted a variant of Old Testament “theocracy” and his prophets preached a New Testament “gospel” of apocalyptic signs and wonders. Those who valiantly contended that this was NOT of the Word or Spirit did not contend for long. Declaring from the pulpit that his City of God must be “cleansed,” he mandated the re-baptism of all and the execution of any who declined or opposed. Catholics and Lutherans fled, and on Easter Sunday some months later, the exiled Bishop of Münster advanced to retake the city. Matthys, now spiritualizing that he was a second “Gideon,” sallied forth with a band of thirty against a vastly superior Catholic and Protestant coalition in an attempt to bring in, by human effort, the Kingdom of God. His spiritualizing mania was perpetuated by his successor.
Johann Bockholdt, a tailor's apprentice, renamed Münster “The City of Zion,” appointed Elders to judge “The Tribes of Israel” (Ältesten der Stämme Israels), and ascended the throne of his “forefather” David. He also mandated the transgression of some Old Testament patriarchs: polygamy. Perhaps the most regrettable circumstance of the Münster episode were the individuals caught up in it, the vast majority women. Most were modest and of godly virtue. And also a number of nuns, having endured the abuse of Romanism, had come to know the Lord. The One who takes sins of scarlet, making them as white as snow. How ironic to require these women, under penalty of death, to accept the polygamous propositions of any who would ask; Bockholdt asked 16. How poignantly contrary was Münster from that formerly prayed for and intended? Many fled the city, many others died trying. And perhaps it was God’s mercy that eventually allowed the Bishop to advance and reclaim the city, ending the depravity with two days of slaughter. How regrettable the faithful witness of so many before and after that brief episode will forever be tainted by the word Münster.
A Moment in Time
And they were not a just another sect, they spring up everywhere in a moment in time.
Want to be Israel?
Zion in Blood
One should overcome them with holy knowledge, not angrily but softly If they will not be taught by strong proofs or evangelic reasons, then let them be and leave them to rage. The law that condemns heretics to the fire builds up both Zion in blood and Jerusalem in wickedness This is the will of Christ who said, 'Let both grow together till the harvest, lest while ye gather up the tares ye root up also the wheat with them.'
The inquisitors are the greatest heretics of all, since, against the doctrine and example of Christ, they condemn heretics to fire, and before the time of harvest root up the wheat with the tares. For Christ did not come to butcher, destroy, and burn, but that those that live might live more abundantly.(Hubmaier, Balthasar, Concerning Heretics and Those Who Burn Them (September, 1524). In Anabaptist Beginnings (1523-1533): A Source Book, edited by William R. Estep Jr., 47-54. Bibliotheca Humanistica & Reformatorica, vol. 16. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1976)
But sadly this man, who opposed building “up both Zion in blood and Jerusalem in wickedness,” like the reformers spiritualized "the Israel of God.” And consequently in 1519 Regensburg, the city where he ministered, Hubmaier was instrumental in destruction of the synagogue, plundering the Jewish ghetto, and expelling the Jews. This is a sad commentary on his work that consistently included the motto Die warheit ist untödlich (Truth is Immortal).
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Hear, O Israel
Their [the Jews] rotten and unbending stiffneckedness deserves that they be oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without the pity of anyone (John Calvin, Ad Quaelstiones et Objecta Juaei Cuiusdam Responsio, The Jew in Christian Theology, Gerhard Falk, McFarland and Company, Inc., Jefferson, NC and London, 1931).As the angels of God ascended and descended upon a ladder set up on the earth, God made promises to Jacob and to his seed before it came to be (cf. Genesis 28:12-15). However, Calvin spiritualized these promises, using them to justify his doctrine of “infant baptism.”
God pronounces that he adopts our infants as his children before they are born, when he promises that he will be a God to us and to our seed after us. This promise includes their salvation (Institutes IV xv 20, emphasis added).Calvin’s Gentile arrogance continued, making Geneva the headquarters of his “New Israel.”
The Genevan Confession was credited to John Calvin in 1536 by Beza who said Calvin wrote it as a formula of Christian doctrine suited to the church at Geneva. … The Confession of Faith which all the citizens and inhabitants of Geneva and the subjects of the country must promise to keep and hold (The Library of Christian Classics; Volume XXII; Calvin Theological Treatises; Translated with Introductions and Notes by the Rev. J. K. S. Reid; The Westminster Press: 1954. pp. 26-33, emphasis added).And what was the consequence for those who would not submit to the "holy [sic] doctrine which no man might speak against" of Calvin’s Protestant “Papacy”?
Whoever shall now contend that it is unjust to put heretics and blasphemers to death will knowingly and willingly incur their very guilt. This is not laid down on human authority; it is God who speaks and prescribes a perpetual rule for his Church (John Calvin, as cited in: Schaff, Philip, History of the Christian Church, Volume VIII: Modern Christianity, The Swiss Reformation).Servetus, a physician condemned to death by the papists, fled to Geneva for refuge. Thought he had criticized Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion through prolonged correspondence with the author, he apparently trusted Calvin’s honor if not his “Christian” affirmation. Their differences predominated in regard to two theological principles: Servetus correctly challenged the absurdity of Calvin’s doctrine of infant baptism. And Calvin was incensed by Servetus’ rejection of the doctrine of the Trinity determined by the Catholic Council of Nicaea. So incensed, he confided to a friend: "si venerit, modo valeat mea autoritas, vivum exire nunquam patiar" (If he [Servetus] comes here, if my authority is worth anything, I will never permit him to depart alive). And opportunity presented its self. While preaching, Calvin recognized Servetus among those of his congregation and as “worship” concluded, he had his nemesis arrested.
At eleven o’clock on the 27th of October, Servetus was led from the prison to the gates of the City Hall, to hear the sentence read from the balcony by the Lord Syndic Darlod. When he heard the last words, he fell on his knees and exclaimed: ‘The sword! in mercy! and not fire! Or I may lose my soul in despair.’ He protested that if he had sinned, it was through ignorance. Farel raised him up and said: ‘Confess thy crime, and God will have mercy on your soul.’ Servetus replied: ‘I am not guilty; I have not merited death.’ Then he smote his breast, invoked God for pardon, confessed Christ as his Saviour, and besought God to pardon his accusers. On the short journey to the place of execution, Farel again attempted to obtain a confession, but Servetus was silent. He showed the courage and consistency of a martyr in these last awful moments. Champel is a little hill south of Geneva with a fine view on one of the loveliest paradises of nature. There was prepared a funeral pile hidden in part by the autumnal leaves of the oak trees. The Lord Lieutenant and the herald on horseback, both arrayed in the insignia of their office, arrive with the doomed man and the old pastor, followed by a small procession of spectators. Farel invites Servetus to solicit the prayers of the people and to unite his prayers with theirs. Servetus obeys in silence. The executioner fastens him by iron chains to the stake amidst the fagots, puts a crown of leaves covered with sulphur on his head, and binds his book by his side. The sight of the flaming torch extorts from him a piercing shriek of ‘misericordias’ in his native tongue. The spectators fall back with a shudder. The flames soon reach him and consume his mortal frame in the forty-fourth year of his fitful life. In the last moment he is heard to pray, in smoke and agony, with a loud voice: ‘Jesus Christ, thou Son of the eternal God, have mercy upon me!’ … The tragedy ended when the clock of St. Peter’s struck twelve (Schaff, Philip, History of the Christian Church, Volume VIII: Modern Christianity, The Swiss Reformation).Perhaps the most disconcerting part of this affair was Calvin’s apparent lack of remorse:
Many people have accused me of such ferocious cruelty that (they allege) I would like to kill again the man I have destroyed. Not only am I indifferent to their comments, but I rejoice in the fact that they spit in my face (John Calvin, Against the Errors of Servetus, Daniel-Rops, 46:191).However questionable the doctrine contained in the book bound by his side, that was so soon reduced to ashes, Servetus strove to evangelize those who received the admonition: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD” (Deut 6:4).
The Israel of God
The Jew
16The Valley Church, The Man Child, 5/25/75, (audio tape).
The Endl"sung
Despite Luther’s alleged passion for the Scriptures, he often compromised them: Regarding The Epistle of James, Luther writes: “Therefore St. James’ epistle is really an epistle of straw, compared to these others, for it has nothing of the nature of the gospel about it” (Luther, M., Preface To The New Testament, 1522, emphasis added). Regarding The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Luther writes: “I can in no way detect that the Holy Spirit produced it. … Christ is neither taught nor known in it” (Luther, M. Preface to the Revelation of St. John, 1522, emphasis added). However, regarding Paul’s love for his Jewish brethren in the book of Romans: “For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises,” from Luther, there is only silence. Although Romans is the crux of his “by faith alone” theology, in his commentary (Romans 9 through 11), an affirmation of Paul’s kinsmen according to the flesh is neglected entirely. Luther translated thousands of His promises and blessings for Israel as a people and a nation into the German tongue. However, consistent with his Augustinian order, Luther spiritualized them all, and consequently composed perhaps the most anti-Semitic work ever written:
What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews? … First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord. … Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed. … Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them. … Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb. … Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. … Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them. … Seventh, I recommend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow (Martin Luther, Martin H. Bertram, tr., The Jews and their Lies, 1543).Almost five hundred years later another German read and implemented Luther’s seven step program, but added one step more: The Endl"sung (Final Solution: Wannsee Conference, Berlin, January 20, 1942).
Every Day Remembrance Day
The aged author stared back at me from the cover of the Jerusalem Post, September 22, 2005. As I scanned the front page in a Jerusalem book store, I insensitively recommend Wiesenthal’s chronicle of Jewish martyrdom to the young girl who, only moments before, had been so courteous and helpful. In a passionate but precise Oxford intonation, she blurted out: “I DON’T NEED THE BOOK, I’VE LIVED IT!” For one brief moment, I saw what lies latent in every Jewish soul.As this calendar shows, the story of the persecution of the Jews has always been directed by Christians: first of all by the Roman Catholic Church, then by the Orthodox Church. These Churches plunder the Bible, the most precious element of Jewish life, the unique treasure of Jewish identity, and use it for their own ends. … The official theology of the Catholic Church considers Rome “the true Jerusalem” and the Church “the true Israel.” In the eyes of the Church the Jews forfeited their history and their means of salvation by killing Jesus. … The history of the persecution of the Jews is — as will become clear from this calendar — at the same time a history of Christianity. The acts of persecution against the Jews were from the very beginning acts of revenge against that part of the Jewish community which refused to recognize Jesus (even though the first Christians were actually Jews) (Simon Wiesenthal, Every Day Remembrance Day, p. 9, emphasis added).
Raiders of the Lost Menorah
The requests by Shetreet, the president, and the chief rabbis reflect the long-held belief that the Catholic Church – as the inheritor of Rome, took possession of the empire’s booty – as documented by the Arch of Titus. … This is not to say that 2,000 years or so have been enough time for the [Vatican’s] Foreign Ministry to formulate a policy on the matter. Unofficially at least, we look forward to the restoration of the treasures of the Jewish people … but do not anticipate this will occur before the coming of the Messiah.
After almost 2000 years of erecting monuments on every “holy” site, launching crusades to recapture the “holy” land, and instigating negotiations to declare the “holy” city an international city under the papal control, it is obvious that the raiders of the lost menorah want more than Israel’s symbol, they want “ISRAEL”! Therefore, we should not anticipate that the Roman Church – as the self proclaimed inheritor of Israel’s promises, will ever consider themselves other than “THE ISRAEL OF GOD” before the coming of the Messiah.
The purpose and the primary emphasis of Romanism has always been and will be to the end, a desire for total world dominance. Now they have laps where they are not as influential as at other times. But their goal as clearly stated by the dogma of the church is a total dominance of the religious world (The Valley Church, emphasis added).13)
13The Valley Church, Thyatira, 3/24/74, (audio tape).
The Other Holocaust
In 1543, the archbishop of St. Andrews made a visitation into various parts of his diocese, where several persons were informed against … for heresy. … Helen Stark was accused of not having accustomed herself to pray to the Virgin Mary, more especially during the time she was in childbed. On … respective accusations they were all found guilty, and immediately received sentence of death; the four men … to be hanged; James Raveleson to be burnt; and the woman, with her sucking infant, to be put into a sack and drowned. … The martyrs were carried by a great band of armed men (for they feared rebellion in the town except they had their men of war) to the place of execution, which was common to all thieves, and that to make their cause appear more odious to the people. Every one comforting another, and assuring themselves that they should sup together in the Kingdom of Heaven that night, they commended themselves to God, and died constantly in the Lord. The woman desired earnestly to die with her husband, but she was not suffered; yet, following him to the place of execution, she gave him comfort, exhorting him to perseverance and patience for Christ’s sake, and, parting from him with a kiss, said, ‘Husband, rejoice, for we have lived together many joyful days; but this day, in which we must die, ought to be most joyful unto us both, because we must have joy forever; therefore I will not bid you good night, for we shall suddenly meet with joy in the Kingdom of Heaven.’ The woman, after that, was taken to a place to be drowned, and albeit she had a child sucking on her breast, yet this moved nothing in the unmerciful hearts of the enemies. So, after she had commended her children to the neighbors of the town for God’s sake, and the sucking bairn was given to the nurse, she sealed up the truth by her death (John Foxe, William Byron Forbush ed., Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, XV).The endless line before St. Peter’s Basilica this last spring consisted of many who had “been fooled into thinking that if they take communion they … are saved, if they go to mass they are saved. And my friend, THEY ARE LOST! … But let us never forget that if it could happen at Thyatira it could happen here. Let’s never bring paganism into our midst.”13
13The Valley Church, Thyatira, 3/24/74, (audio tape).