Friday, February 23, 2007

The Covenants of Israel

The... fingerprints [of God] are this … the covenants of Israel… a reference to the unconditional covenants that constituted them as a nation. Make no mistake about it; there are four covenants that stand out as unique. They are unconditional and they are everlasting. The first is a seed called the Abrahamic Covenant. The second is a land called the Palestinian Covenant. The third is a throne called the Davidic Covenant. And the Forth is the New Covenant which is a restoration of the people of Israel and the final Kingdom. God gave to them these four unconditional covenants. They were unconditional; there was nothing that Israel had to do in order to have those covenants. They were theirs lock, stock, and barrel, and they are eternal. They will never change. Every one of them is everlasting: an everlasting seed, an everlasting land, an everlasting throne, an everlasting kingdom. … God yet has a future for Israel. … But understand this, these people had in the Old Testament the covenant that their seed would remain forever, the covenant that their land would always be theirs, the covenant that they would always have a throne and they would always have a kingdom. Ultimately God will fulfill all of that (The Valley Church, emphasis added).20
20The Valley Church, The Fingerprints of God, 2/23/86, (audio tape).

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